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(Team) Poirrier, Lotte, Bordes, with A. Tabet
19301932Hôtel Saint-Georges (1)BeirutLebanon
Number of published projects in the database: 1
Poirrier, Lotte and Bordes were experts in Hotel design. The firm designed Hôtel Saint-Georges in Beirut. They were in touch with Auguste Perret to whom they had commissioned the enlargement of the Touring Club de France in Paris at the same time they were designing Hôtel Saint-Georges. Moreover, Jacques Poirrier, a former student of Perret, had been an employee of the Perret firm. He later contributed to the design of Le Havre. 
As for Lotte, he should not be mistaken for André Lhote, a renowned French painter who was a friend of engineer-architect Antoine Tabet, and who had introduced Tabet to Perret.
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