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National Museum of Antiquities in Beirut

(Collab.) Antoine Nahas & Pierre Leprince-Ringuet


Museum Square

Project Status
Building Type


When confronted to give a style to the National Museum of Antiquities in Beirut, the identity issue came to the front. As a result of a competition launched in 1927-28*, the Museum was designed by Pierre Leprince-Ringuet a French architect and Antoine Nahas who was his student in Paris. Construction began in 1930, the museum was opened to the public in 1938, and it was officially inaugurated in 1942. The museum had been favored by the jury for its efficient layout and sedate monumentality. What is considered by many as a building in Egyptian-Pharaonic style mostly due to the entrance columns with lotiform capitals is in fact the result of a ricochet effect; the Lebanese under French Mandate were looking at Paris, and the French capital had been looking since the mid-1920s at Egypt for its stylistic Art-Deco references.
The building is built with local Forni stone. (George Arbid)

 *The jury met on February 28, 1928 at the National Library, under the Presidency of Bechara El Khoury, then Prime Minister and Minister of Education and Fine Arts. The examining commission had nominated three projects: 1- "Lion" by Pierre Leprince-Ringuet & Antoine Nahas 2- "Antar" by Alexandre Boevivald 3- "Alma" by Jean Germain and Octave Hanemoglou Projects 2 and 3 were awarded supplementary prizes.

Maurice Chéhab, "Le Musée de Beyrouth," Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth, Décembre 1937, pp. 1-6

René Huyghe, "Musée National d'Antiquités et des Beaux-Arts à Beyrouth," L'Architecture (Paris), vol. 44, 1931, pp. 41-48. (reprinted in National Museum News, vol. 6, 1997, pp. 2-11). 

Lubnane Al Sura, p. 188

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View in the 1940s
Source: Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
© Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
Perspective Drawing (competition entry)
Source: Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
© Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
Section and ground floor plan
Source: Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
© Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
Interior view
Source: Ministère du Tourisme
© photo by Kraulis